Read the value of an attribute of a method

You need to call the GetCustomAttributes function on a MethodBase object.
The simplest way to get the MethodBase object is to call MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod. (Note that you should add [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)])

For example:

MethodBase method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
MyAttribute attr = (MyAttribute)method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyAttribute), true)[0] ;
string value = attr.Value;    //Assumes that MyAttribute has a property called Value

You can also get the MethodBase manually, like this: (This will be faster)

MethodBase method = typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("MyMethod");

[MyAttribute("Hello World")]
public int MyMethod()
var myAttribute = GetType().GetMethod("MyMethod").GetCustomAttributes(true).OfType<MyAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

The available answers are mostly outdated.

This is the current best practice:

class MyClass

  [MyAttribute("Hello World")]
  public void MyMethod()
    var method = typeof(MyClass).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(MyClass.MyMethod), new Type[]{});
    var attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<MyAttribute>();

This requires no casting and is pretty safe to use.

You can also use .GetCustomAttributes<T> to get all attributes of one type.