Design Principles, Best Practices and Design Patterns for C (or Procedural Programming in general)? [closed]

Are there any known design principles, best-practices and design patterns that one can follow while designing a C project? Or useful design principles for procedural (imperative) programming in general?

(I'm child of the 'object-oriented generation' and have to design a large C project for the first time)

Information hiding - as espoused by Parnas (Software Fundamentals).

Careful management of headers and visibility:

  • Everything in a source file that can be hidden from the outside world should be; only the documented external interface should be exposed.
  • Everything that is exposed is declared in a header.
  • That header is used where the functionality is needed (and where it is defined).
  • The header is self-contained - when you need it, you use it, and you don't have to fret about 'what other headers do I also have to include' because the header ensures it works by including anything it needs to make it work.
  • The header is self-protected - so it does not matter if it is included multiple times.

    #define HEADER_H_INCLUDED of header contents, including other #include lines if necessary
    #endif /* HEADER_H_INCLUDED */
  • Design sets of functions to work on 'objects' (usually structures) - and use those functions rather than poking around the innards of the structure in the code that is using it. Think of it as self-imposed encapsulation.

My three advices:

  • Write unit tests. They will help you zero in on a design that suites your problem as you go along. Much better than relying (solely) on pre-meditated thinking.
  • Have a memory leak detector (there are all sort of libraries out there) installed and running from day one. Have this library print out all leaks as soon as the program/tests exits. This will allow you to catch a leak as soon as you introduce it, thereby making its fixing much less painful.
  • Write OOP code in C. Not that difficult. While it is possible to emulate method overriding, I suggest that you start with emulation of simple objects. Even this simple mechanism can give you great mileage.

Here's an example:

typedef struct Vector {
  int size;
  int limit;
  int* ints; 
} Vector;

Vector* Vector_new() {
  Vector* res = (Vector*) malloc(sizeof(Vector));
  res->limit = 10;
  res->size = 0;
  res->ints = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * res.limit);

  return res;

void Vector_destroy(Vector* v) {

void Vector_add(Vector* v, int n) {
  if(v->size == v->limit) {
    v->limit = v->limit * 2 + 10;
    v->ints = realloc(v->ints, v->limit);     

  v->ints[v->size] = n;

int Vector_get(Vector* v, int index) {
  if(index >= 0 && index < v->size)
    return v->ints[index];

  assert false;