Terraria: Wall of Flesh Expert Mode

Solution 1:

What I would suggest is to make some beenades or get them from the Queen Bee. About 30 or so should work, maybe more to be safe. They are absolutely BRUTAL against the Wall of Flesh, just be sure that you can make some distance between you and the wall so you dont get killed during the WoF super fast mode when he has really low health. Just don't forget the platform. Good Luck!

Solution 2:

The easiest way I found was the Hellwing Bow + Hellfire Arrows and a really long bridge.

The Hellwing bow has a much faster firing speed than most bows, with the "disadvantage" being that the arrows (or bats, as case may be), shoot off at a semi-random arc making it harder to hit things.

This penalty is made irrelevant in this case because Hellfire Arrows (Well, bats), explode in an AoE making accuracy less of an issue, and because the Wall of Flesh is really hard not to hit.

Don't forget to equip a pair of Hermes boots and drink some potions -- the Wall of Flesh speeds up ridiculously fast sub-3000 HP on expert, and you might find yourself losing with the wall at 700 hp or less. But don't give up, just keep moving right (or left, depending) and firing exploding bats and you'll conquer the Wall in no time.