EA killed my Bioware keys

In Bioware's pre-EA era they had on their site the option to register CD-keys for your Bioware games. Me, being the optimist that I am, registered my cd-keys there and then promptly lost the hard copy that was included with the retail box.

Today I decided that it would be fun to replay the original Neverwinter Nights campaign and went to Bioware's site to get the CD key. Much to my dismay it would appear that all of the old site has been replaced with the new EA Bioware/Social site; this means that only current EA owned Bioware games are able to be registered. In a frantic search of the new site I was unable to locate any reference to the ability to register or retrieve cd-keys to Biowares stable of older games.

So, am I blind and just missed an obvious link to these old keys or did EA go out of its way to inconvenience everyone that had done as I did?

They've had to take down the server due to a hacking attempt; it sounds like they are working on restoring access once they can ensure it will be secure.

(See http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/6/index/7664680 ).

I'm sure EA didn't "go out of its way" - it just hasn't been maintaining an old website that hadn't been visited frequently.

You should contact customer service. I would imagine they still have these old records, even if the site has long since gone kaput.

There is a "Contact Us" link on http://support.ea.com/.