Why isn't my Xbox controller working, when streaming Fallout 4 to my computer, from my Xbox One?

I am streaming my Xbox One console to my Windows 10 computer, using an Xbox One controller, connected via micro-USB cable.

The controller registers, as I can use it with the Xbox app, but it stops working when I stream Fallout 4. When I launch Fallout 4, I get stuck on the pause screen. I can still use the Xbox button, and return to the dashboard.

This problem does not occur with other games I play, such as Destiny. I suspect that the controller is still trying to connect to my Xbox One, directly through wireless, but is to far away to make a connection.

Is there a setting I need to change, to ensure my controller links directly to my computer? Why would this be happening for Fallout 4, but not other games?

  1. Based on what Zohman said, you should quit the game and open it again.

  2. Does Fallout 4 work when you play it without streaming? If not, the problem has nothing to do with streaming, as streaming is simply a mirroring tool.

  3. If you go to your settings, and find the devices category, you can make your xbox forget the controller. That might help.

  4. If all else fails try uninstalling and reinstalling Fallout 4.

  5. If even that fails, try factory reseting your Xbox One (usually a good idea to back up your storage onto a different device first, but if you cloud sync and use Xbox Live profiles you should be fine deleting everything).

  6. If it's still not working, bring it up with Bethesda and Microsoft.