Usage of protocols as array types and function parameters in swift

I want to create a class that can store objects conforming to a certain protocol. The objects should be stored in a typed array. According to the Swift documentation protocols can be used as types: 

Because it is a type, you can use a protocol in many places where other types are allowed, including:

  • As a parameter type or return type in a function, method, or initializer
  • As the type of a constant, variable, or property
  • As the type of items in an array, dictionary, or other container

However the following generates compiler errors:

Protocol 'SomeProtocol' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

How are you supposed to solve this:

protocol SomeProtocol: Equatable {
    func bla()

class SomeClass {
    var protocols = [SomeProtocol]()
    func addElement(element: SomeProtocol) {
    func removeElement(element: SomeProtocol) {
        if let index = find(self.protocols, element) {

You've hit a variant of a problem with protocols in Swift for which no good solution exists yet.

See also Extending Array to check if it is sorted in Swift?, it contains suggestions on how to work around it that may be suitable for your specific problem (your question is very generic, maybe you can find a workaround using these answers).

You want to create a generic class, with a type constraint that requires the classes used with it conform to SomeProtocol, like this:

class SomeClass<T: SomeProtocol> {
    typealias ElementType = T
    var protocols = [ElementType]()

    func addElement(element: ElementType) {

    func removeElement(element: ElementType) {
        if let index = find(self.protocols, element) {

In Swift there is a special class of protocols which doesn't provide polymorphism over the types which implement it. Such protocols use Self or associatedtype keywords in their definitions (and Equatable is one of them).

In some cases it's possible to use a type-erased wrapper to make your collection homomorphic. Below is an example.

// This protocol doesn't provide polymorphism over the types which implement it.
protocol X: Equatable {
    var x: Int { get }

// We can't use such protocols as types, only as generic-constraints.
func ==<T: X>(a: T, b: T) -> Bool {
    return a.x == b.x

// A type-erased wrapper can help overcome this limitation in some cases.
struct AnyX {
    private let _x: () -> Int
    var x: Int { return _x() }

    init<T: X>(_ some: T) {
        _x = { some.x }

// Usage Example

struct XY: X {
    var x: Int
    var y: Int

struct XZ: X {
    var x: Int
    var z: Int

let xy = XY(x: 1, y: 2)
let xz = XZ(x: 3, z: 4)

//let xs = [xy, xz] // error
let xs = [AnyX(xy), AnyX(xz)]
xs.forEach { print($0.x) } // 1 3

The limited solution that I found is to mark the protocol as a class-only protocol. This will allow you to compare objects using '===' operator. I understand this won't work for structs, etc., but it was good enough in my case.

protocol SomeProtocol: class {
    func bla()

class SomeClass {

    var protocols = [SomeProtocol]()

    func addElement(element: SomeProtocol) {

    func removeElement(element: SomeProtocol) {
        for i in 0...protocols.count {
            if protocols[i] === element {
