Connect Multiple iPads to WiFi Simultaneously

Solution 1:

This can be easily solved by getting the proper infrastructure, not just a router.

The specs of your router don't matter. What you are going to find is that after about 5 (maybe 10) devices simultaneously connect, your speeds are going to drop. This is because each iPad (device, actually), regardless of what you are trying to do is attempting to use 100% of the bandwidth. It's the nature of the TCP/IP stack; not your router or device.

I know this from having to deal with a government client that provided free wireless for the jury pool. When people would come in one at a time, wireless was fine. When they came in en mass, the WAP would crash. It didn't matter if there were less than 30 people in the pool or 100. If they came online en mass, Wi-Fi was down.

What you need is

  • At minimum 4 WAPs
  • Enterprise Grade WAPs that allow you to throttle bandwidth to each client.
  • The AP's configured in as a mesh (Ubiquiti has this baked in)

Try Ubiquiti Networks WAP's. They will have the features you are going to need.