Detect if any kind of IE (MSIE) [duplicate]

I dont want to allow users to access my site with Microsoft Internetexplorer (ANY VERSION).

What I´ve found so far was to detect if it´s lower or equal version 10.

A very annoing thing: Internetexplorer >v10 doesn´t admit to be a InternetExplorer.

What i´ve found and tried so far:

alert("You use IE. That´s no good.");


if ( $.browser.msie ) {
alert( $.browser.version );


I would use any solution if it is in javascript, jquery or php if there is one.

Solution 1:

This works for me to detect any Version of the IE 5-11 (Internet Explorer) (Aug/05/2014):

if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ||  !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident/) || navigator.userAgent.match(/rv:11/)) || (typeof $.browser !== "undefined" && $.browser.msie == 1))
  alert("Please dont use IE.");

Solution 2:

This is because each release of Internet Explorer updates the user-agent string.

MSIE tokens have been removed in Internet Explorer 11 and $.browser uses navigator.userAgent to determine the platform and it is removed in jQuery 1.9.

You can use following code to determine the browser with pure java-script.

var isIE = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident/g) || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/g);

 alert("Not IE");   


Solution 3:

if you are not interessted wich version of ie the user currently use you can try get it work with detecting if the browser supports the Conditional Compilation Statements

    // You use IE. That´s no good.
    alert("oh my god");

Solution 4:

You can use conditional compilation , e.g.

var isIE = false;
/*@cc_on isIE = true; @*/

But note that IE11 doesn't observe this in Standards Mode. User Agent sniffing is generally a bad idea, but as IE becomes more standards-compliant, it also becomes harder to detect (hopefully also meaning less need to)

Solution 5:

For IE> 10 which is currently IE 11, user-agent carries something in Browser's HTTP request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

You can put a check on "rv:11.0" for version 11. Let me know if you need code for this.