Google Chrome does not quit nicely

Solution 1:

I had a similar issue where it displayed "did not shut down properly" every time after booting up. For me this was happening due to Google Chrome running in the background even after closing it, as this was the default setup after installation.

I fixed it by going to the Advanced settings in chrome " Settings -> System -> Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed" and unchecking the box beside it.

Solution 2:

This was happening to me too and it was driving me crazy!

In my situation (trusty), this had nothing to do with user profiles. My issue was that the desktop environment was shutting down prior to the background chrome process; this caused chrome to 'ungracefully' exit and bug me about it with each restart.

Some of the solutions you find on line get around this by never letting chrome run as a background process, which was an unacceptable trade off for me.

I fixed it on my system by adding a stanza to the Upstart script for the desktop manager (Lightdm). You need to edit /etc/init/lightdm.conf as root:

sudo nano /etc/init/lightdm.conf

Add the following at the end of the file:

pre-stop script
    pkill --oldest chrome
    sleep 2
end script

Hope this works for you!

Solution 3:

One of the possibilities is that your browser's profile has been corrupted. Without doing anything that could cause you to lose data, you could try making a new profile as described here: Create a new browser user profile in the section on Linux.

But, in short (although you should read the link above completely),

  • Make sure that Chrome is not running at all.
  • Rename ~/.config/google-chrome/Default to ~/.config/google-chrome/Default.bak.
  • Start Chrome. See if your problem is fixed.

Note that .config is a hidden folder. You'll need to enable viewing of hidden files and folders in your File Manager. Of course, if you use the command line, you could run something like:

mv ~/.config/google-chrome/Default ~/.config/google-chrome/Default.bak

If your problem is fixed, gradually copy over only files that you absolutely need (because some of them may be responsible for your problem in the first place) from Default.bak to the new Default folder that Chrome automatically creates.

Further, since you need your bookmarks, they are stored as a simple text file called Bookmarks in the Default folder so copying them over from Default.bak to the new Default should probably not break anything and give you back your bookmarks. Again, it's better to do this when Chrome is not running at all.

As for "configuration of my address bar", I don't know what that means. Perhaps you may want to edit your question to explain that aspect.

Edit: if you don't want to go the "new profile" route and if you have another Google account, you may try adding a new user. That option is available in chrome://settings. Do take look at the options which include importing stuff from another profile!

New User