A Word that means "to adapt or improve, to conform to a higher standard"?

I need to find or invent a word that suggests a system might be "adapted or improved to conform to a higher standard". A verb, noun, adjective or even adverb would be acceptable, but so far I haven't found quite what I'm looking for.

Context Examples:

"We are upgrading the current system for greater Enterprise [conformity to a higher standard]."

"I believe we need to change our approach. We need to [adapt to conform to a higher standard]."

"It will take some time to write an article that's more [improved to conform to a higher standard] than I've written before."

My immediate thought was kaizen. It isn't strictly English, and it isn't strictly a verb, but it is known widely in some circles.

We need to kaizen our Enterprise compatibility.

We need to kaizen our approach.

I need to take time to kaizen my writing skills to make this article better.

This isn't strictly English, but you said you were open to inventing a word.

I think the word you're looking for is


It means almost exactly that.

Evolve: Develop esp. from a simple to a more complex form.

But you could also use

Robust: n(of a process or system, esp. an economic one) Able to withstand or overcome adverse conditions

We use it to describe computer applications all the time.

I don't really think you need anything other than either improve or conform in most cases, because greater conformity will nearly always be an improvement at any rate. In general I think more context would help if you want to cut out some more words; in your examples, we don't know a great deal about the situations described.

"We are upgrading the current system for greater Enterprise conformity

This is probably what you mean; how can greater conformity not necessarily be an improvement in itself?."

"I believe we need to change our approach. We need to conform to a higher standard / raise our standards."

The above would probably work all right: why one word?

"It will take some time to write an article to a higher standard than [what] I've written before."