Entity Framework 4 / POCO - Where to start? [closed]

These articles might be of interest...the series really gets into the advantages and disadvantages of a POCO approach.




In these articles the author mentions future articles that describe best practices in implementing Repository and Unit of Work patterns, but I can't find them. These articles are well written and I'd like to read more from this author.

I've come across this: http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/pages/feature-ctp-walkthrough-code-only-for-the-entity-framework.aspx

Which gives you step-by-step for code first. It does require the CTP 3 for EF4 (Download linked from that article).

This is pretty close to what I was after (although ideally a solution that doesn't rely on a CTP would've been preferable)

I do recommend that you take a half hour or so and generate a stable EF1.0 model in your current VS. That will get you a long way towards understanding the metaphors and concepts of EF 4.0. Just whip up a simple Customer, Products and Orders db...I recommend doing your own and not using Northwind.