Another word for "manufactured" with regards to argumentative statements

which on the surface look genuine and possibly discovered but are in fact architected in some way to support a pre-existing position. there is the element of deception, intentional or otherwise

I'm specifically looking for that word which ends in "-ed"

Solution 1:

The argument would be said to be contrived.

Deliberately and artificially created.

Solution 2:

"Concocted" gives the impression of having been manufactured to deceive, as in the 2nd definition of "concoct" from MW-O:

"to invent or develop (a plan, story, etc.) especially in order to trick or deceive someone"

Solution 3:

I'd propose "fabricated". Similar to Kristina's "concoct", "fabricate" is defined by M-W as:

to create or make up (something, such as a story) in order to trick people