How to persist changes in a .settings/.config file across a file version change?

Solution 1:

A few clarifications:

You have to call the Upgrade method of ApplicationSettingsBase derived class (that is normally called Settings and is created for you by Visual Studio):


When/where to call the Upgrade method? There is a simple trick you can apply: define a user setting called UpgradeRequired (example) as bool (the easiest way is through IDE). Make sure its default value is true.

Insert this code snipped at the start of the application:

  if (Properties.Settings.Default.UpgradeRequired)
      Properties.Settings.Default.UpgradeRequired = false;

So the Upgrade method will be called only after the version changes and only one time (since you disable further upgrades by setting UpgradeRequired = false until a version change - when the property regains default value of true).

Solution 2:

Markus Olsson has already given a pretty good answer here.

Essentially you will need to use the ApplicationSettingsBase.Upgrade() method.

Solution 3:

I hope someone else has a better answer. I had this question a few years ago, and the only solution I could find (which did work) was to use my own mechanism for storing settings, rather than the default built-in .NET way.