Concatenate text files with Windows command line, dropping leading lines

Solution 1:

more +2 file2.txt > temp
type temp file1.txt > out.txt

or you can use copy. See copy /? for more.

copy /b temp+file1.txt  out.txt

Solution 2:

I use this, and it works well for me:

TYPE \\Server\Share\Folder\*.csv >> C:\Folder\ConcatenatedFile.csv

Of course, before every run, you have to DELETE C:\Folder\ConcatenatedFile.csv

The only issue is that if all files have headers, then it will be repeated in all files.

Solution 3:

I don't have enough reputation points to comment on the recommendation to use *.csv >> ConcatenatedFile.csv, but I can add a warning:

If you create ConcatenatedFile.csv file in the same directory that you are using for concatenation it will be added to itself.