My boot time has increased by 25% in the past two months. How do I reduce it?

Solution 1:

If you want to know exactly what is taking time to boot your system:

  • Install bootchart.
  • Create a bootchart (Some bootchart examples on Google Images to get an idea what bootchart is about).
  • Save the image to an external media.

At this point you can analyse what program is taking up time during boottime but if you want to exactly know where that 25% increase comes from then...

  • Create a backup of your personal files and personal settings
  • Re-install your system,
  • Install all the software you are using now and re-install your personal files.
  • Create a new bootchart.

Drastic but when you compare the two images the differences in the images will answer your question to the second exactly. The first time you do this it will be a lot of work and cost a fair amount of time and I can do this fairly quick now because I also set up my machine with a small root and small home since all my files are stored on a separate disc (so I know I can delete root and home w/o thinking twice). But this is the method I use before I switch over to a new release to see if the new release has improved or deteriorated my boot time and I also always keep a bootchart saved from just after I installed the new release.

Installation of bootchart can be done by clicking the image below:

Install via the software center