What software should I install for opening .stl files?

I use Ubuntu 12.10. What software can I install that can open Physible .stl files? And what are the differences between these softwares?

Solution 1:

Meshlab reads all kind of 3D meshes, also STL

sudo apt-get install meshlab
meshlab file.stl

Example with this file:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Blender is the best, just import the file.

Solution 3:

From OpenSCAD's online User Manual

STL Import - http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/STL_Import

import_stl("filename.stl", convexity = <val>)

As of version 2019.01, if you do from the command line:

openscad file.stdl

it automatically opens the GUI with the right command to view the file e.g.:

import("/home/ciro/git/OSP/Hardware/CAD Files/P1 - X-Axis Motor Holder/P1 - X-Axis Motor Holder.STL");

Then you can click Design > Render, and it gives for this sample file:

enter image description here