Prove that $ f(x) $ has at least two real roots in $ (0,\pi) $

Here is one root: Let $F(x) = \int_{0}^x f(t) \sin t dt$. Then $F(0)=0$ and $F(\pi)=\int_{0}^\pi f(t)\sin tdt=0$. So by the intermediate value theorem, there exists $0<c<\pi$ such that $$ 0=F'(c) = f(c)\sin c. $$
But since $\sin c\neq 0$, we get that $f(c)=0$.

If f has only one real root on $ (0,\pi)$, say $ a \in (0,\pi) $, then define $ g(x) = f(x) \sin(x-a) = f(x) (\sin(x)\cos(a) - \cos(x)\sin(a))$, then $ g(x) $ is either non-positive or non-negative, not identically zero, and has integral $ 0 $. Contradiction.