Is there a simple UNIX command for finding out how many cores I have to work with?

I've got an Ubuntu VM on my Mac. Is there a command I can run in Ubuntu that will tell me how many cores I have to work with?

I could do "about this mac" on the host, but I'm not sure how well the multi-core processor would translate to the VM.

Solution 1:

This should work:

grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo


lshw -class processor -short

Solution 2:

On OS X you can use sysctl or system_profiler:

$ sysctl hw.ncpu hw.physicalcpu hw.logicalcpu
hw.ncpu: 8
hw.physicalcpu: 4
hw.logicalcpu: 8
$ sysctl -n hw.ncpu # -n disables printing the names of variables
$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType|grep Cores
      Total Number of Cores: 4

My processor supports hyper-threading, so there are 8 logical cores and 4 physical cores.