What does "campy" mean?

From the Urban Dictionary:

  1. “Camp” n. or “Campy” adj. refers to intentionally exaggerated thematic or genre elements, especially in television and motion picture mediums. “Camp” style willfully over-emphasizes certain elements of the genre or theme, creating an almost self-satirical milieu. Some of the most popular examples include the James Bond films (exaggeration of espionage activities) and the original Batman series starring Adam West.
  2. Being so extreme that it has an amusing and perversely sophisticated appeal.
  3. adj. overacted or exaggerated (sometimes purposely),

From the Partridge Dictionary of Slang:

campy adjective melodramatically and blatantly homosexual US, 1965

And from the NTC’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions:


  1. something cute and out-of-fashion; something of such an anachronistic style as to be intriguing.

    • Camp is dull and was never interesting
    • My brother thinks camp is just a joke. Nobody really knows what style camp really is, and very few even care.
  2. over-done; out-of-fashion and intriguing.

    • Most camp entertainment is pretentious and overdrawn.
    • Who needs camp movies?
  3. having to do with homosexual persons and matters.

    • What a camp way of walking!
    • She is so camp, I could scream!