Swift: Convert enum value to String?

Solution 1:

The idiomatic interface for 'getting a String' is to use the CustomStringConvertible interface and access the description getter. Define your enum as:

enum Foo : CustomStringConvertible {
  case Bing
  case Bang
  case Boom
  var description : String { 
    switch self {
    // Use Internationalization, as appropriate.
    case .Bing: return "Bing"
    case .Bang: return "Bang"
    case .Boom: return "Boom"

In action:

 > let foo = Foo.Bing
foo: Foo = Bing
 > println ("String for 'foo' is \(foo)"
String for 'foo' is Bing

Updated: For Swift >= 2.0, replaced Printable with CustomStringConvertible

Note: Using CustomStringConvertible allows Foo to adopt a different raw type. For example enum Foo : Int, CustomStringConvertible { ... } is possible. This freedom can be useful.

Solution 2:

Not sure in which Swift version this feature was added, but right now (Swift 2.1) you only need this code:

enum Audience : String {
    case public
    case friends
    case private

let audience = Audience.public.rawValue // "public"

When strings are used for raw values, the implicit value for each case is the text of that case’s name.


enum CompassPoint : String {
    case north, south, east, west

In the example above, CompassPoint.south has an implicit raw value of "south", and so on.

You access the raw value of an enumeration case with its rawValue property:

let sunsetDirection = CompassPoint.west.rawValue
// sunsetDirection is "west"


Solution 3:

In swift 3, you can use this

var enumValue = Customer.Physics
var str = String(describing: enumValue)

from Swift how to use enum to get string value