Constantly get The local data store is currently in use by another operation when working on small projects

Solution 1:

Ran into this issue as well on VS 2013 and TFS - every time I opened my team explorer it would take 10+ seconds to show all projects, then when I would expand the project in source control, another 10+ seconds would roll by.

Earlier today I began to experience the "local storage is being used" error when trying to save data in class files. I did some original research, and this following link saved the day for sure. Now TFS is blazing!

Local Data Store Solved

What you do is edit workspace (including all projects associated), and change the "Location" dropdown from "Local" to "Server". It took about 4-5 minutes for the changes to finish, but well worth it.

Hopefully this will help someone down the road.

Solution 2:

Lately I started to get same error message and Visual Studio started to work very slow with TFS and nuget. I have tried repair and uninstall but not solve the problem. At the and it was so painfully slow that I cannot continue working. (Expanding one item on source control explorer takes 10 seconds)

Here is my story and how my problem be solved:

I was mapped tfs folders separately not to get whole TFS because there are lots of irrelevant documents. After trying lots of fix suggestion, I thought this might be the problem because I did this separate mapping first time while I have been using TFS. I generally map and get all items at once and never met this issue before.

I removed all mappings and it was like magic. Error is gone, slow TFS source control is gone and it is rocket fast now. Just to be in a safe side I also delete my workspaces and create a new one and get all TFS items at once.

Solution 3:

I found the error would be triggered when I had more than once instance of VS 2012+ running utilizing Source Control Explorer, Solution Explorer and/or Team Explorer windows. I've not had this problem when running a single instance of VS 2012+ (on updates 2+) utilizing Source Control Explorer, Solution Explorer and/or Team Explorer windows in tandem.

I found this article and gave it's suggestion a shot: to prevent multiple threads from accessing the data store simultaneously.

This proved to be a remedy for this issue.

I would add for other users with large file repositories, using source control and share this issue, it may be greatly beneficial to create multiple workspaces for each of your branches/repositories. I found that by doing this my queries to TFS sped up immensely and also helped with this error. I found this suggestion here: I share this as users mention TFS running slowly.