Arrange by exact file type (not just by kind) in OS X Lion

Currently .mp3, .aac, .m4r, etc. are all looked as "Music". So when I do an Arrange or Group By in the Lion Finder, all of these files get displayed under the heading "Music". Is there an option to make this arrange by Kind setting respect the exact file type?

It sounds like you want to "sort" your files rather than "arrange" them.

  1. In Finder open up the folder you would like to sort by kind (file type).
  2. Click the Action button (gear icon).
  3. Choose Show View Options.
  4. Set Arrange By to None.
  5. Set Sort By to Kind.

Your files can be sorted more specifically now. There are also a few other tricks to such as holding down the option key while selecting what you would like to sort by, which overrides grouping.

enter image description here

There is a better way that I always use when I need.

I just right click in the Finder window and hold down the 'alt' key. It provides me with the menu item to sort by when I would like :)

So, in this case, I right click in the folder, hold down the 'alt' key, choose Sort By, and choose Kind.

I hope this helps :)