How to generate .json file with PHP?

Here is a sample code:

$sql="select * from Posts limit 20"; 

$response = array();
$posts = array();
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 

  $posts[] = array('title'=> $title, 'url'=> $url);

$response['posts'] = $posts;

$fp = fopen('results.json', 'w');
fwrite($fp, json_encode($response));


Use this:

$json_data = json_encode($posts);
file_put_contents('myfile.json', $json_data);

You can create the myfile.json before you run the script.But its not compulsory if you have full sudo privileges(read/write permissions(For of you on Mac).

Here is a working Example:

// data stored in an array called posts
$posts = Array (
    "0" => Array (
        "id" => "01",
        "title" => "Hello",
    "1" => Array (
        "id" => "02",
        "title" => "Yoyo",
    "2" => Array (
        "id" => "03",
        "title" => "I like Apples",
// encode array to json
$json = json_encode($posts);
$bytes = file_put_contents("myfile.json", $json); //generate json file
echo "Here is the myfile data $bytes.";