Apache POI Line Chart colors

I am creating an Excel file with some statistics, also including line charts. I had succeed in creating charts and filling them with data. But I am not satisfied with default colors of the charts' series.

So how I can change the color of a chart serie? I can't find any documentation about it, so please help. I also heard, that problem could be connected with workbook's default colors, so maybe you can guide me how to change them?

I'm using Apache POI 3.10.

Solution 1:

It works for me. Groovy, PieChart, random colors.

def ctChart = chart.getCTChart()
def ctPieChart = ctChart.getPlotArea().addNewPieChart()
def ctPieSer = ctPieChart.addNewSer()

byte[] b = new byte[3];

(0 .. rows).each {
  def x = ctPieSer.addNewDPt()