AngularJS - get element attributes values

Solution 1:

Since you are sending the target element to your function, you could do this to get the id:

function doStuff(item){
    var id = item.attributes['data-id'].value; // 345

Solution 2:

You just can use doStuff($event) in your markup and get the data-attribute values via currentTarget.getAttribute("data-id")) in angular. HTML:

<div ng-controller="TestCtrl">
    <button data-id="345" ng-click="doStuff($event)">Button</button>


var app = angular.module("app", []);
app.controller("TestCtrl", function ($scope) {
    $scope.doStuff = function (item) {

Forked your initial jsfiddle:

Solution 3:

the .data() method is from jQuery. If you want to use this method you need to include the jQuery library and access the method like this:

function doStuff(item) {
  var id = $(item).data('id');

I also updated your jsFiffle


with pure angularjs and the jqlite you can achieve the goal like this:

function doStuff(item) {
  var id = angular.element(item).data('id');

You must not access the element with [] because then you get the pure DOM element without all the jQuery or jqlite extra methods.