I have a website on localhost, mapped in HOSTS as: www.yorkshiretestingwebsite.com yorkshiretestingwebsite.com

However, the folder (C:/www/vhosts/yorkshiretestingwebsite.com) has some sub-folders in it, namely:




and rather than typing in


I would like to try and have the URL as:


I've had a look for how to do this on Google, but am not quite sure how to do this.

I tried the advice here - https://serverfault.com/questions/235311/automatic-subdomain-creation-in-htaccess-on-apache - and it did work (good if I only have a few folders) but what if I have multiple ones? I don't want to keep adding them to it, so I've been trying to find a solution.

What's the best way to achieve this?

You'll want to create a new VirtualHost which will serve up the subdomains dynamically based on the directory tree:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName wildcard.yorkshiretestingwebsite.com
    ServerAlias *.yorkshiretestingwebsite.com
    VirtualDocumentRoot "C:/www/vhosts/yorkshiretestingwebsite.com/%1"
    ... (logging, permissions, etc) ...

The %1 uses the first block of the name, so leeds.yorkshiretestingwebsite.com will point to C:/www/vhosts/yorkshiretestingwebsite.com/leeds/

More info on the VirtualDocumentRoot directive can be found here.