Deploying ASP.NET MVC4 App to GoDaddy Compiler issue

I have struggled with the same problem for months. And finally solved it. In the plesk on godaddy I changed the ASP.Net settings. First changed CAS-trustlevel to Full. Then I changed in the Web.config of my project the following:

  • Add trust level full to the system.web
  • Remove the compilers in the system.codecom
    compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.2"/>
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5.2"/>
    <trust level="Full"/>             <!-- Just add this to the webconfig -->

              <!-- All is removed between the 2 tags-->

and that solved my problem.

You have to remove the compilation info from the web config and it will work.

In addition to precompiling (check the box in your publish settings), add the following to your Web.Release.config:

  <trust level="Full" xdt:Transform="Insert" />
<system.codedom xdt:Transform="Remove" /> <!-- No compiling on server, GoDaddy blocks it. -->

UPDATE (1/27/2017): It appears (at least on my account) that removing system.codedom is no longer required.

I had same issue on GoDaddy hosting.

To fix it follow these steps.

Step 1: Choose "Precompile during publish" in Web Deploy settings.

Step 2: <trust level="Full" /> in <system.web> in Web.config

I removed the Roslyn nuget package like explained in the link below, but it's a workarround.

This problem happens with a clean mvc 5 web project from visual studio 2015 template. I contacted the godaddy support, let's see what they do.

Excellent. I also have same problem. However, my hosting vendor is arvixe.

  1. Add >trust level="Full" />" under >system.web> section in Web.config
  2. comment out >compilers> section of the >codedom> in Web.config

The problem Fixed!!!