How do I use the Turret Override Program?

Solution 1:

There are four options when using the override program:

Sabotage will cause turrets to explode the next time they fire.

Scramble will cause turrets to shoot everyone.

Override will cause the turrets to become friendly to the player and hostile to enemy NPCs.

Remote control doesn't seem to do anything. Every time it's used it seems to fail.

Note that some of the options aren't always available. Sabotage and override have both been observed to disappear when all turrets connected to the terminal have been destroyed, for example, but not every time.

Also note that if you hit the tab key on PC too quickly, the command might not process. Waiting 2-4 seconds is generally a safe bet. (kudos to aslum in the comments) There are also mods available on Nexus that speed up the terminal output and allow the turret commands to process faster.