Get value from one Optional or another

Java 9 and above:

firstOptional.or(() -> secondOptional);

Java 8 and below

If you want to avoid mentioning firstOptional twice, you'd probably have to go with something like;



But the most readable variant is probably to simply do

Optional<...> opt = firstOptional.isPresent()  ? firstOptional
                  : secondOptional.isPresent() ? secondOptional
                  : Optional.empty();

If someone stumbles across this question but has a list of optionals, I'd suggest something like

Optional<...> opt =

EDIT: I totally thought you were using Guava's Optional originally. I've updated my answer to supply both Guava and Java 8 syntax for their respective Optional classes.

Java 8 Optional

You can shorten it up to this:


I'm not sure what you meant in your third bullet by "empty". If you meant null then this'll do the trick:


orElse() is a method on Optional that will return the value if present, otherwise it will return the value you supplied as the argument to orElse().

Guava Optional

You can shorten it up to this:


I'm not sure what you meant in your third bullet by "empty". If you meant null then this'll do the trick:


or() is a method on Optional that will return the value if present, otherwise it will return the value you supplied as the argument to or().

I had a few encounters with a problem that might've been solved with JDK 9 Optional::or and couldn't because we use JDK 8. Finally I added a util class with this method:

public static <T> Optional<T> firstPresent(final Supplier<Optional<T>>... optionals) {
    return Stream.of(optionals)

Now you can supply any number of optionals to this method and they'll be lazily evaluated like so:

    final Optional<String> username = OptionalUtil.firstPresent(
            () -> findNameInUserData(user.getBasicData()),
            () -> findNameInUserAddress(user.getAddress()),
            () -> findDefaultUsername());

Now, findNameInUserAddress will only be called if findNameInUserData returns empty. findDefaultUsername will only be called if both findNameInUserData and findNameInUserAddress return empty etc.

Why not just (Supplier wrapper can be easily added):

    public static <T> Optional<T> firstPresent(Optional<T>... optionals) {
        return Stream.of(optionals)
