Is there any difference between a brahmin feed trough and a bathtub?

The brahmin feed trough looks the same as a bathtub, but they seem to be distinct items as far as the game is concerned.

I am thinking of doing an experiment at Sanctuary where I store my brahmin feed trough in the workshop and give them a bathtub from one of the empty houses.

Has anyone already tried this?

Can a bathtub be substituted for a feed trough?

(The same question has been asked at gamefaqs but not answered, and I found a reddit thread that mentions a bathtub, but it's not clear if the poster actually built a bathtub or is just being inaccurate and is referring to the feed trough).

The feed trough while looking the same gets coding that causes the brahmin to go to it the normal bathtub lacks this. So they will go back to wondering around the settlement if you try and remove the trough and replace it with a normal bathtub.