Mid '11 Mac Mini won't shutdown cleanly. OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

When I go to shutdown my mid 2011 Mac Mini (running OS X El Cap, EDIT* 10.11.6), it will not do so "cleanly." I close all applications, then click Apple > Shutdown and finder closes like it's going to shutdown, but it gets stuck. I have to hold the power button till it shuts down, then when it powers back on I get the error message (with a yellow exclamation point):

You shut down your computer because of a problem. If you want to open the applications that were open when you shut down, click Open. If you do nothing, the computer will continue to login in 17 seconds...

So far I have tried:
- Opening Disk Utility and running "First Aid" on the SSD. I get a green check mark when done.
- Booting to Recovery (Cmd + R) and running First Aid.

EDIT: Apparently "First Aid" is not the same as repairing disk permissions! Looking into this... http://osxdaily.com/2015/11/04/verify-repair-permissions-mac-os-x/

EDIT2: As a result of the issue, I am unable to install any OS X updates and the only way I can reboot is via the terminal command sudo reboot now

EDIT3: Booting in verbose mode, I see many (about 20 or so) of these:
Could not open PlatformSupport.plist
and also...
ERROR!!! Recovery Image verification fail with status [0x800000000000000e] Error loading kernel cache 0oxe)

What could be the issue here? Anyone know what logs files I can check and where? Thanks.

Firstly, you should update to OS X 10.11.6. It will solve many problems. Download 10.11.6 Update.

Secondly, reset SMC. Here is a link how to do it: Resetting System Management Controller.

If it doesn't help, try clean install: How to Clean Install El Capitan.


If you can't do clean install using your own mac, make a bootable USB on another mac: Click here.

Also, go to Utilities and run Console.app for inspecting what's wrong with your OS: Click here.

It might be a problem with a hardware, so try single-user mode pressing cmd-s after startup 'chime' sound or verbose mode pressing cmd-v the same way. To read about it Click here.

And read an important post about 7 Mac Startup Options: Click here.

Try to

  • Boot into verbose mode (hold option-V during boot), and then try to shutdown. Does the log appear?

  • After you option-clicked on Apple->Shutdown, wait for two minutes. Does a windows saying "Application xyz prevented shutdown appear?"

  • Please check any non-apple extensions by running

    kextstat -l | grep --invert-match com.apple

    in the Terminal

Thanks for the feedback. When you boot into verbose mode, you automatically shutdown in verbose mode too; that was the main reason I suggested you do that so you see if it hangs "during" shutdown.

"Normal" applications that do not close upon request will get you a "Application xyz prevented shutdown" window. So since you do not have that, it's very likely to be a driver issue. I would suggest you manually kextunload (just search stackoverflow on how to do that) these extensions before you shutdown just to test if that fixes the problem. I'll think again if I come up with an idea what might be the issue here.

(s.th. like this, but you may have to check if there are dependent kext's you have to unload first)

sudo kextunload -b com.github.osxfuse.filesystems.osxfusefs

Be aware that an application-level firewall might block a network request of a (system) application that is executes when it is asked to terminate for shutdown. This might cause the behaviour you experience. You should definitely try just to turn off the firewall and see if the shutdown then works properly. This is a rather likely cause, i had something similar with little snich some time ago.

Once you have triggered shutdown, you can also manually kill processes that you think might be hindering the shutdown process to find the root cause.

Go "ps -A" and then "sudo kill -9 ####" with ### being the process number to terminate. Since the "force shutdown" from the command line works, this will likely lead to a shutdown, too.