Windows 7 problem to access shared folder

I have a strange problem with Windows 7 Professional when I am try to access to a network shared folder.

I have a two personal computers:
- pc (A) with Windows 7 Professional, user logged with Administrator rights,
- pc (B) with Windows XP Professional.
In (B) I share a folder (c:\foo).
By (A) and Windows Explorer I map the shared folder in (B), I give the correct User and password for the folder access and I map it with a letter (i.e. Z:)
Now, with Windows Explorer I can access the folder Z: without problem; if I open CMD and I write

Z: + return

at prompt I can access to the network folder but if I do the same action executing CMD with Administrator rights the command Z: + return give me this error:

The system cannot find the drive specified.

I don't understand where is the problem ...

Solution 1:

This is a Windows 7 Gotcha : An administrator cannot access network shares created by a non-administrator.

The solution is to create the share using an Explorer that was also "Run as administrator".

See this article : Mapped Network Drives with UAC on Windows Vista.