Career day in kindergarten: how to demonstrate programming in 20 minutes? [closed]

I've done this before.

I laid down a lot of paper towels on a table, and got out a loaf of (cheap) bread, a small tub of butter, a small jar of jelly, and a plastic butter knife.

I said to the kids, "How many of you think computers are smart?" Most of them raised their hands. I said, "Computers are really dumb. People are smart. You have to tell a computer everything. It doesn't know how to do anything. I'm going to show you what I mean. I'm going to pretend I'm as dumb as a computer, and you guys tell me how to make a sandwich."

And when the first kid said "open the bag of bread!" I ripped the bag apart and let bread fall randomly all over the table. That got a lot of giggles. I continued to take the kids literally at their words until they learned to give short, specific commands, and eventually we ended up with a butter and jelly sandwich. There was a lot of laughter but they came away understanding, at least a little, what a programmer does for a living.

(I should note, I've also done this demonstration with adults in an "intro to programming" class, and it works just as well with them.)

What about doing a kinesthetic version of Logo?

Say you have two kids side by side. Can they figure out how to switch places using only the commands Step Forward, Step Back, Turn Left 90 Degrees, and Turn Right 90 Degrees? I'm sure there are other games like going through a maze, etc.

I'd think you'd keep their attention if you can keep them moving. This will spark the interest. They'll figure out later that the job is sedentary. ;)

Don't try to show them anything on the computer. Watching someone else type is boring for adults. For 5-year-olds, it's a recipe for anarchy.

Instead, make it interactive. Some form of "Simon Says," but have them be the programmer.

I've never tried this, but it might be fun.

Physically demonstrate an algorithm by using some attribute of each kid as the input data.

For example, get them to form a line (in whatever order they go to initially), side by side. This might work better in a semi-circle so they can see each other doing the exercise, but there has to be a break in the line somewhere. Then, starting at one end of the line, get them to take turns doing "if the classmate on your left is taller than you, switch places; otherwise, stay put." The game ends when you go through the line and no one switches places. Get them to observe the results. (Hint: bubble sort!)

To turn the kids onto programming, you drive up to the kindergarten in your Rolls Royce and walk in with your gorgeous significant other.

If you're not Bill Gates, then you'll just have to explain that you sit in boring meetings for 4 hours a day, print cover sheets for TPS reports for 2 hours, and stare at stupid stuff written by preceding clueless programmers for the other 6 hours. (No need to mention that then you field calls from people who are maintaining your last program and who think YOU are the preceding clueless guy).

No, i'm not bitter, why do you ask?

Seriously, (I am sure I'm plagiarizing from one of those 3 threads subconsciously), have them play "give instructions to me on how to do Y", with you doing things the Genie way - all wrong unless instructions are very precise and clear. Actually mention genie as good example assuming the kids saw Aladdin.
