What is the default vim colorscheme?

Solution 1:

If you are on a light terminal, the default is peachpuff.

If you are on a dark terminal, the default is ron.

You can tell which you have by typing :set background?.

(Vim guesses whether your terminal has a dark or light background based on the value of the TERM environment variable.)

I found this answer by going ":color Tab" and choosing each option, then comparing it to the default.

Solution 2:

It's /usr/share/vim/vim72/colors/default.vim. On the Debian side, mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors and then copy default.vim to that new directory. Open your ~/.vimrc and add the line colorscheme default to use it all the time, or colorscheme ubuntu if you renamed the default.vim to ubuntu.vim.

Solution 3:

I am not at my ubuntu box, at the moment... but by default the vim colorschemes are stored to the "/usr/share/vim/vim72/colors/" directory. The default scheme should be named unimaginatively "default.vim"

In vim you can use ":help colorscheme" to see how to best enable to color scheme in your debian box. I would recommend that, you would install the colorscheme in your .vim profile directory.