UIButton: how to center an image and a text using imageEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets?
If I put only an image in a button and set the imageEdgeInsets more close to the top, the image stays centered and all works as expected:
[button setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button setImageEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)];
If I put only a text in a button and set titleEdgeInsets more close to the bottom, the text stays centered and all works as expected:
[button setTitle:title forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button setTitleEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 0.0, -30, 0.0)];
But, if I put the 4 lines together, the text interferes with the image and both lost the center alignment.
All my images has 30 pixels width, and if I put 30 in the left parameter of UIEdgeInsetMake for setTitleEdgeInsets, the text is centered again. The problem is that the image never gets centered because it appears that it is dependent of the button.titleLabel size. I already tried many calculations with button size, image size, titleLabel size and never get both perfectly centered.
Someone already had the same problem?
Solution 1:
For what it's worth, here's a general solution to positioning the image centered above the text without using any magic numbers. Note that the following code is outdated and you should probably use one of the updated versions below:
// the space between the image and text
CGFloat spacing = 6.0;
// lower the text and push it left so it appears centered
// below the image
CGSize imageSize = button.imageView.frame.size;
button.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(
0.0, - imageSize.width, - (imageSize.height + spacing), 0.0);
// raise the image and push it right so it appears centered
// above the text
CGSize titleSize = button.titleLabel.frame.size;
button.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(
- (titleSize.height + spacing), 0.0, 0.0, - titleSize.width);
The following version contains changes to support iOS 7+ that have been recommended in comments below. I haven't tested this code myself, so I'm not sure how well it works or whether it would break if used under previous versions of iOS.
// the space between the image and text
CGFloat spacing = 6.0;
// lower the text and push it left so it appears centered
// below the image
CGSize imageSize = button.imageView.image.size;
button.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(
0.0, - imageSize.width, - (imageSize.height + spacing), 0.0);
// raise the image and push it right so it appears centered
// above the text
CGSize titleSize = [button.titleLabel.text sizeWithAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName: button.titleLabel.font}];
button.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(
- (titleSize.height + spacing), 0.0, 0.0, - titleSize.width);
// increase the content height to avoid clipping
CGFloat edgeOffset = fabsf(titleSize.height - imageSize.height) / 2.0;
button.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(edgeOffset, 0.0, edgeOffset, 0.0);
Swift 5.0 version
extension UIButton {
func alignVertical(spacing: CGFloat = 6.0) {
guard let imageSize = imageView?.image?.size,
let text = titleLabel?.text,
let font = titleLabel?.font
else { return }
titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(
top: 0.0,
left: -imageSize.width,
bottom: -(imageSize.height + spacing),
right: 0.0
let titleSize = text.size(withAttributes: [.font: font])
imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(
top: -(titleSize.height + spacing),
left: 0.0,
bottom: 0.0,
right: -titleSize.width
let edgeOffset = abs(titleSize.height - imageSize.height) / 2.0
contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(
top: edgeOffset,
left: 0.0,
bottom: edgeOffset,
right: 0.0
Solution 2:
Found how.
First, configure the text of titleLabel
(because of styles, i.e, bold, italic, etc). Then, use setTitleEdgeInsets
considering the width of your image:
[button setTitleColor:[UIColor blackColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button setTitle:title forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button.titleLabel setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:10.0]];
// Left inset is the negative of image width.
[button setTitleEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, -image.size.width, -25.0, 0.0)];
After that, use setTitleEdgeInsets
considering the width of text bounds:
[button setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
// Right inset is the negative of text bounds width.
[button setImageEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-15.0, 0.0, 0.0, -button.titleLabel.bounds.size.width)];
Now the image and the text will be centered (in this example, the image appears above the text).
Solution 3:
You can do it with this Swift extension, which was based in part on Jesse Crossen's answer:
extension UIButton {
func centerLabelVerticallyWithPadding(spacing:CGFloat) {
// update positioning of image and title
let imageSize = self.imageView.frame.size
self.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top:0,
bottom:-(imageSize.height + spacing),
let titleSize = self.titleLabel.frame.size
self.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top:-(titleSize.height + spacing),
bottom: 0,
// reset contentInset, so intrinsicContentSize() is still accurate
let trueContentSize = CGRectUnion(self.titleLabel.frame, self.imageView.frame).size
let oldContentSize = self.intrinsicContentSize()
let heightDelta = trueContentSize.height - oldContentSize.height
let widthDelta = trueContentSize.width - oldContentSize.width
self.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top:heightDelta/2.0,
This defines a function centerLabelVerticallyWithPadding
that sets the title and image insets appropriately.
It also sets the contentEdgeInsets, which I believe is necessary to ensure that intrinsicContentSize
still works correctly, which would need to use Auto Layout.
I believe all solutions which subclass UIButton are technically illegitimate, since you are not supposed to subclass UIKit controls. I.e., in theory they might break in future releases.
Solution 4:
Edit: Updated for Swift 3
In case you're looking for a Swift solution of Jesse Crossen's answer, you can add this to a subclass of UIButton:
override func layoutSubviews() {
let spacing: CGFloat = 6.0
// lower the text and push it left so it appears centered
// below the image
var titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets.zero
if let image = self.imageView?.image {
titleEdgeInsets.left = -image.size.width
titleEdgeInsets.bottom = -(image.size.height + spacing)
self.titleEdgeInsets = titleEdgeInsets
// raise the image and push it right so it appears centered
// above the text
var imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets.zero
if let text = self.titleLabel?.text, let font = self.titleLabel?.font {
let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName: font]
let titleSize = text.size(attributes: attributes)
imageEdgeInsets.top = -(titleSize.height + spacing)
imageEdgeInsets.right = -titleSize.width
self.imageEdgeInsets = imageEdgeInsets
Solution 5:
There are some great examples in here, but I couldn't get this to work in all cases when also dealing with multiple lines of text (text wrapping). To finally get it to work I combined a couple of the techniques:
I used Jesse Crossen example above. However, I fixed a text height issue and I added the ability to specify a horizontal text margin. The margin is useful when allowing text to wrap so it doesn't hit the edge of the button:
// the space between the image and text CGFloat spacing = 10.0; float textMargin = 6; // get the size of the elements here for readability CGSize imageSize = picImage.size; CGSize titleSize = button.titleLabel.frame.size; CGFloat totalHeight = (imageSize.height + titleSize.height + spacing); // get the height they will take up as a unit // lower the text and push it left to center it button.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake( 0.0, -imageSize.width +textMargin, - (totalHeight - titleSize.height), +textMargin ); // top, left, bottom, right // the text width might have changed (in case it was shortened before due to // lack of space and isn't anymore now), so we get the frame size again titleSize = button.titleLabel.bounds.size; button.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(-(titleSize.height + spacing), 0.0, 0.0, -titleSize.width ); // top, left, bottom, right
Make sure you setup the text label to wrap
button.titleLabel.numberOfLines = 2; button.titleLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap; button.titleLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
This will mostly work now. However, I had some buttons that wouldn't render their image correctly. The image was either shifted to far to the right or left (it wasn't centered). So I used an UIButton layout override technique to force the imageView to be centered.
@interface CategoryButton : UIButton @end @implementation CategoryButton - (void)layoutSubviews { // Allow default layout, then center imageView [super layoutSubviews]; UIImageView *imageView = [self imageView]; CGRect imageFrame = imageView.frame; imageFrame.origin.x = (int)((self.frame.size.width - imageFrame.size.width)/ 2); imageView.frame = imageFrame; } @end