How to play a video with a different audio track?

I want to connect the output of my laptop to a projector and beam a movie on the wall.

The movie has video and audio, but I would like to be able to play different audio tracks while the video is playing.

Is this possible?

You can use VLC to remove the default audio (Media -> Convert/Save...; Check Video and Keep original video track in the profile options, uncheck Audio. Use a new profile to leave other settings intact!).

VLC can open additional audio at Media -> Advanced Open File... -> Show more options.

Download: VLC media player

Using the instructions from Tamschi, on this page, I was able to do a one-shot play of a video with another file as its audio track. The following instructions do not make any permanent changes.

I tested this with VLC on Windows 10, though every VLC running anywhere should work exactly the same.

For many alternate audio tracks, I believe you would select more than one audio track at step 11. I did not have more than one audio track to test this with.

  1. Launch VLC, or open your video file in VLC
  2. Media > Open Multiple Files
  3. (The "Open Media" window)
  4. Add your main video file
  5. (The file selection window)
  6. Click "Show more options" at the lower-left
  7. Click "Play another media synchronously" just underneath
  8. Click "Browse" to the right
  9. (The "Open Media" window)
  10. Add your audio file
  11. (The file selection window)

    • Only select that audio file, and not more than one file.
    • Do not select the video track.
  12. Click "Select" at the bottom-right

  13. (You will now see all three fields filled out)

    • Click "Play" at the bottom-right
    • Do not click the down-arrow next to "Play".
    • Your video will begin playing. Pause it.
  14. Right-click in the video > Audio > Audio Track

    • Your new audio track will appear in the list of audio tracks. Select it.
    • Play your video.

It may take a few moments of play for VLC to get things sorted out. You may see video corruption or stuttering. Be patient!

A complete tutorial with screenshots can be found at