What does “Schmissues” mean in “Issues, schmissues. Can the Presidential candidates sing”? [duplicate]

Today’s (May 7) New York Times carries an article under the title, “Issues, schmissues. Can the Presidential candidates sing?,” which begins with the following passage:

“The cacophony of presidential candidates is getting louder by the day, and while they have a variety of views on political matters, many of them have at least one thing in common — a love of music.” - http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/05/06/for-2016-candidates-a-mix-of-musical-talents/?hp&action

I consulted with Oxford online English Dictionary and Cambridge online English Dictionary to get the meaning, neither of which carries the definition of the word, “Schmissues.*”

I presume “schmissues” is an Yiddish origin from its sound. What does it mean? Is the word popular among Americans?

*P.S. I should have checked "schm-," not “Schmissues.”

Solution 1:

Issues schmissues:

  • It's a way English has that shows the speaker doesn't think something is important. They say the noun, then take the noun drop the first consonant, and add schm to the beginning and say it again.

  • examples: rules schmules, cancer schmancer, history schmistory.

Schm- (prefix):

  • Used to form a reduplicated rhyming compound of any word in order to express disparagement, dismissal or derision.

    • "I have to tell you, madam, that your son is suffering from an Oedipus complex." "Oedipus, Schmoedipus! What does it matter, so long as he loves his mother?" — Jewish joke


  • Imitative of many Yiddish words such as schmaltz or schmuck
