Ever since I upgraded to Postman 0.9.6 I can't replicate user sessions because chrome doesn't allow postman to get user cookies. However, they have decided to "work around" this issue by created another plugin called Postman Interceptor that routes your postman request and grabs the user cookies. They wrote a blog post about this wonderful tool here: http://blog.getpostman.com/index.php/2014/02/11/postman-v0-9-6-access-cookies-and-restricted-headers-plus-better-testing/

However, I can't seem to figure out how to get this thing to work. I have been trying for an hour now, and it still won't see my request as a logged in user

Solution 1:

This worked for me:

  1. Install Postman
  2. Install the Interceptor
  3. Activate the Interceptor by toggling the switch:
    enter image description here
  4. Activate the Interceptor in Postman by clicking on the Interceptor Button on the top right (looks like a sattelite)
    enter image description here

Solution 2:

To save someone having to dig through all the comments on related questions, here's a quick overview of the state of Postman in 2018:

Standalone Postman (Current)

If you have a satellite dish icon you are using standalone Postman:

postman standalone screenshot

Postman Interceptor does not appear to work with the standalone Postman (as of January 2018).

When you turn the satellite dish on, you are starting a proxy (default port: 5555). If you update your browser and/or OS proxy settings to point to localhost:5555, the requests made through the proxy will show up in Postman, similar to how it worked with the old Interceptor.

You can read more about this feature here.

Postman Chrome App (Deprecated)

If you have a weird satellite thing icon you are using the old Chrome App:

postman chrome app screenshot

This should work with the interceptor. See the instructions in nozzleman's answer if you are having trouble getting it to work.

tl;dr You need to use the Postman Chrome App if you want to use the Interceptor extension.

Solution 3:

Make sure to turn the Interceptor on in chrome and proxy on in Postman. Also ensure install correct extension! Oddly, it seems there are 2 postman Interceptor:

  1. Interceptor 1 <- Same name but not from getpostman.com
  2. Interceptor 2 <- from correct source

Then it should work