Detect simultaneous left and right clicks in tkinter gui

You can achieve this is as follows.

Use two variables left_mouse_pressed and right_mouse_pressed. When both are simultaneously True, both mouse keys pressed.

Reset their state to False on mouse release.

import Tkinter

class App:
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.left_mouse_pressed = False
        self.right_mouse_pressed = False

        f = Tkinter.Frame(width=100, height=100, background="cyan")

        f.bind("<Button-1>", self.onAnyofTwoPressed)
        f.bind("<Button-3>", self.onAnyofTwoPressed)

        f.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.resetPressedState)
        f.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.resetPressedState)

    def onAnyofTwoPressed(self, event):
        if event.num==1:
            self.left_mouse_pressed = True
        if event.num==3:
            self.right_mouse_pressed = True
        if (self.left_mouse_pressed and self.right_mouse_pressed):
            print 'yay both pressed'

    def resetPressedState(self, event):
            self.left_mouse_pressed = False
            self.right_mouse_pressed = False

app = App(root)

It is only modification of tao example.

It prints left pressed, right pressed and both pressed
but only when mouse buttons are released - sometimes it is enough.

import Tkinter
import time

class App:
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.left_mouse_pressed = False
        self.right_mouse_pressed = False

        f = Tkinter.Frame(width=100, height=100, background="cyan")

        f.bind("<Button-1>", self.onAnyofTwoPressed)
        f.bind("<Button-3>", self.onAnyofTwoPressed)

        f.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.resetPressedState)
        f.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.resetPressedState)

    def onAnyofTwoPressed(self, event):
        if self.left_mouse_pressed and self.left_mouse_pressed <= time.time():
            self.left_mouse_pressed = False

        if self.right_mouse_pressed and self.right_mouse_pressed <= time.time():
            self.right_mouse_pressed = False

        if event.num==1:
            self.left_mouse_pressed = time.time() + 500
        if event.num==3:
            self.right_mouse_pressed = time.time() + 500

    def resetPressedState(self, event):
        if self.left_mouse_pressed and self.right_mouse_pressed:
            print 'both pressed'
        elif self.left_mouse_pressed:
            print 'left pressed'
        elif self.right_mouse_pressed:
            print 'rigth pressed'

        self.left_mouse_pressed = False
        self.right_mouse_pressed = False

app = App(root)

EDIT: my version with after() - it prints when mouse buttons are pressed

300 in after() is 'time for reaction'.

import Tkinter as tk
import time

root = tk.Tk()

left_pressed = False
rigth_pressed = False

def on_left_click(event):
    global left_pressed, rigth_pressed

    if rigth_pressed:
        rigth_pressed = False
        left_pressed = True

    root.after(300, on_left_later)

def on_left_later():        
    global left_pressed

    if left_pressed:
        left_pressed = False
        print "left pressed"
        print "both pressed"

def on_right_click(event):
    global left_pressed, rigth_pressed

    if left_pressed:
        left_pressed = False
        rigth_pressed = True

    root.after(300, on_right_later)

def on_right_later():
    global rigth_pressed

    if rigth_pressed:
        rigth_pressed = False
        print "rigth pressed"
#    else:
#        print "(right_do_nothing)"

button = tk.Button(root, text="Clik me! - left, right, both")
