Location of /etc/fstab in El Capitan

/etc/fstab doesn't exist by default, only if anything has previously needed it. fstab itself is merely a text file. If nothing has previously needed one, you can make it yourself.

The standard header appears to be a comment with vague instructions as to how the syntax works...

# fstab
# Identifier  mount point  fs type  options1

below that is your mount or ignore instruction, e.g.

UUID=C126C736-1585-3D12-9CF1-F95EFF0CF744 none hfs rw,noauto  


LABEL=[drivename] none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse

There is far more information on fstab at https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man5/fstab.5.html than I could possibly précis here, or type man fstab in Terminal.