How to capture a still image from digital video?

I like VLC and have it installed so for ease of use I would probably use that. If I didn't find those results satisfactory I would probably attempt to use ffmpeg with one of the autobuilds from tripp.

Syntax as follows:

ffmpeg -i foo.avi -ss 00:01:43 -t 1 -s 1280x720 -f mjpeg bar.jpg

That should take one shot at 1 minute 43 seconds and output a jpg, at 1280x720

VLC has a snapshot item on the Tools menu, which will take a snapshot of the video and save it as a bmp file.

How can I take screenshots?

To take a snapshot of the video displayed by VLC, you just need to press the pre-defined snapshot hotkey:

* Windows / Linux / Unix: Ctrl+Alt+S
* Mac OS X: Command+Alt+s

To change it, go to Preferences -> Interface -> Hotkeys settings, check Advanced options, and set Take video snapshot.

You can also take a snaphot via the menu Video -> Snapshot.

To change the snapshot format or directory, go to Preferences -> Video.