Reader/Writer Locks in C++

I'm looking for a good reader/writer lock in C++. We have a use case of a single infrequent writer and many frequent readers and would like to optimize for this. Preferable I would like a cross-platform solution, however a Windows only one would be acceptable.

Solution 1:

Since C++ 17 (VS2015) you can use the standard:

#include <shared_mutex>

typedef std::shared_mutex Lock;
typedef std::unique_lock< Lock >  WriteLock;
typedef std::shared_lock< Lock >  ReadLock;

Lock myLock;

void ReadFunction()
     ReadLock r_lock(myLock);
     //Do reader stuff

void WriteFunction()
     WriteLock w_lock(myLock);
     //Do writer stuff

For older compiler versions and standards you can use boost to create a read-write lock:

#include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>

typedef boost::shared_mutex Lock;
typedef boost::unique_lock< Lock >  WriteLock;
typedef boost::shared_lock< Lock >  ReadLock;

Solution 2:

Newer versions of boost::thread have read/write locks (1.35.0 and later, apparently the previous versions did not work correctly).

They have the names shared_lock, unique_lock, and upgrade_lock and operate on a shared_mutex.

Solution 3:

Using standard pre-tested, pre-built stuff is always good (for example, Boost as another answer suggested), but this is something that's not too hard to build yourself. Here's a dumb little implementation pulled out from a project of mine:

#include <pthread.h>

struct rwlock {
    pthread_mutex_t lock;
    pthread_cond_t read, write;
    unsigned readers, writers, read_waiters, write_waiters;

void reader_lock(struct rwlock *self) {
    if (self->writers || self->write_waiters) {
        do pthread_cond_wait(&self->read, &self->lock);
        while (self->writers || self->write_waiters);

void reader_unlock(struct rwlock *self) {
    if (self->write_waiters)

void writer_lock(struct rwlock *self) {
    if (self->readers || self->writers) {
        do pthread_cond_wait(&self->write, &self->lock);
        while (self->readers || self->writers);
    self->writers = 1;

void writer_unlock(struct rwlock *self) {
    self->writers = 0;
    if (self->write_waiters)
    else if (self->read_waiters)

void rwlock_init(struct rwlock *self) {
    self->readers = self->writers = self->read_waiters = self->write_waiters = 0;
    pthread_mutex_init(&self->lock, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&self->read, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&self->write, NULL);

pthreads not really being Windows-native, but the general idea is here. This implementation is slightly biased towards writers (a horde of writers can starve readers indefinitely); just modify writer_unlock if you'd rather the balance be the other way around.

Yes, this is C and not C++. Translation is an exercise left to the reader.


Greg Rogers pointed out that the POSIX standard does specify pthread_rwlock_*. This doesn't help if you don't have pthreads, but it stirred my mind into remembering: Pthreads-w32 should work! Instead of porting this code to non-pthreads for your own use, just use Pthreads-w32 on Windows, and native pthreads everywhere else.

Solution 4:

Whatever you decide to use, benchmark your work load against simple locks, as read/write locks tend to be 3-40x slower than simple mutex, when there is no contention.

Here is some reference

Solution 5:

Edit: The MSDN Magazine link isn't available anymore. The CodeProject article is now available on and sums it up pretty nicely. Also I found a new MSDN link about Compound Synchronisation Objects.

There is an article about reader-writer locks on MSDN that presents some implementations of them. It also introduces the Slim reader/writer lock, a kernel synchronisation primitive introduced with Vista. There's also a CodeProject article about comparing different implementations (including the MSDN article's ones).