Reducing the gap between a bullet and text in a list item

How can I reduce default gap between bullet and text in an <li>?

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

I want to reduce gap between the bullet and "I".

I'm not sure whether this is the best way to do it, but you could specify a negative text-indent:

li {
    text-indent: -4px;

...where your HTML code looks like:

    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>

(Tested in Safari 4.0.4 and Firefox 3.0.11.)

You could achieve this by setting the list-style-type to none, and setting the background-image of a list element to a generic bullet, like so:

ul {
    list-style-type: none;

li {
    background-image: url(bullet.jpg);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 0px 50%;
    padding-left: 7px;

The outcome would look a little something like this:

alt text

With this approach, you aren't adding unnecessary span (or other) elements to your lists, which is arguably more practical (for later extendibility and other semantic reasons).

You could try the following. But it requires you to put a <span> element inside the <li> elements

<style type="text/css">
ul.a li span{



<ul class="a">
  <li><span>Coca Cola</span></li>

I've tried these and other solutions offered, which don't actually work, but I seem to have found a way to do this, and that is to remove the bullet and use the :before pseudo-element to put a Unicode bullet in its place. Then you can adjust the the space between the list item and bullet. You have to use Unicode to insert an entity into the content property of :before or :after - HTML entities don't work.

There's some sizing and positioning code needed too, because the Unicode bullet by default displays the size of a pinhead. So the bullet has to be enlarged and absolutely positioned to get it into place. Note the use of ems for the bullet's sizing and positioning so that the bullet's relationship to the list item stays constant when your change the font size of the list item. The comments in the code explain how it all works. If you want to use a different entity, you can find a list of the Unicode entities here:

Use a value from the far right column (octal) from the table on this page - you just need the \ and number. You should be able to trash everying except the content property from the :before rule when using the other entities as they seem to display at a useable size. Email me: charles at stylinwithcss dot com with any thoughts/comments. I tested it Firefox, Chrome and Safari and it works nicely.

    body {
      font-family:"Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;
    li  {
      font-size:14px;        /* set font size of list item and bullet here */
      list-style-type:none; /* removes default bullet */
      position:relative;      /* positioning context for bullet */
      li:before  {
        content:"\2219";    /* escaped unicode character */
        font-size:2.5em;    /* the default unicode bullet size is very small */
        line-height:0;        /* kills huge line height on resized bullet */
        position:absolute;  /* position bullet relative to list item */
        top:.23em;           /* vertical align bullet position relative to list item */
        left:-.5em;            /* position the bullet L- R relative to list item */

If in every li you have only one row of text you can put text indent on li. Like this :

ul {
  list-style: disc;
ul li {
   text-indent: 5px;


ul {
 list-style: disc;
ul li {
   text-indent: -5px;