Is there a Swift alternative for NSLog(@"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
In Objective C you can log the method that is being called using:
Usually this is used from a logging macro.
Although Swift does not support macro's (I think) I still would like to use a generic log statement that includes the name of the function that was called. Is that possible in Swift?
Update: I now use this global function for logging which can be found here: And which you can install using:
pod 'Stuff/Print'
Here is the code:
public class Stuff {
public enum logLevel: Int {
case info = 1
case debug = 2
case warn = 3
case error = 4
case fatal = 5
case none = 6
public func description() -> String {
switch self {
case .info:
return "❓"
case .debug:
return "✳️"
case .warn:
return "⚠️"
case .error:
return "🚫"
case .fatal:
return "🆘"
case .none:
return ""
public static var minimumLogLevel: logLevel = .info
public static func print<T>(_ object: T, _ level: logLevel = .debug, filename: String = #file, line: Int = #line, funcname: String = #function) {
if level.rawValue >= Stuff.minimumLogLevel.rawValue {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS"
let process = ProcessInfo.processInfo
let threadId = "?"
let file = URL(string: filename)?.lastPathComponent ?? ""
Swift.print("\n\(level.description()) .\(level) ⏱ \(dateFormatter.string(from: Foundation.Date())) 📱 \(process.processName) [\(process.processIdentifier):\(threadId)] 📂 \(file)(\(line)) ⚙️ \(funcname) ➡️\r\t\(object)")
Which you can use like this:
Stuff.print("Just as the standard print but now with detailed information")
Stuff.print("Now it's a warning", .warn)
Stuff.print("Or even an error", .error)
Stuff.minimumLogLevel = .error
Stuff.print("Now you won't see normal log output")
Stuff.print("Only errors are shown", .error)
Stuff.minimumLogLevel = .none
Stuff.print("Or if it's disabled you won't see any log", .error)
Which will result in:
✳️ .debug ⏱ 02/13/2017 09:52:51:852 📱 xctest [18960:?] 📂 PrintStuffTests.swift(15) ⚙️ testExample() ➡️
Just as the standard print but now with detailed information
⚠️ .warn ⏱ 02/13/2017 09:52:51:855 📱 xctest [18960:?] 📂 PrintStuffTests.swift(16) ⚙️ testExample() ➡️
Now it's a warning
🚫 .error ⏱ 02/13/2017 09:52:51:855 📱 xctest [18960:?] 📂 PrintStuffTests.swift(17) ⚙️ testExample() ➡️
Or even an error
🚫 .error ⏱ 02/13/2017 09:52:51:855 📱 xctest [18960:?] 📂 PrintStuffTests.swift(21) ⚙️ testExample() ➡️
Only errors are shown
Solution 1:
Swift has #file
, #function
, #line
and #column
. From Swift Programming Language:
- String - The name of the file in which it appears.
- Int - The line number on which it appears.
- Int - The column number in which it begins.
- String - The name of the declaration in which it appears.
Solution 2:
Starting from Swift 2.2 we should use:
- #file (String) The name of the file in which it appears.
- #line (Int) The line number on which it appears.
- #column (Int) The column number in which it begins.
- #function (String) The name of the declaration in which it appears.
From The Swift Programming Language (Swift 3.1) at page 894.
func specialLiterals() {
print("#file literal from file: \(#file)")
print("#function literal from function: \(#function)")
print("#line: \(#line) -> #column: \(#column)")
// Output:
// #file literal from file: My.playground
// #function literal from function: specialLiterals()
// #line: 10 -> #column: 42