How to type Unicode currency character in Visual Basic Editor

There is a project requirement where we need to check a cell for its currency type.

I came across a similar question in this forum (How to check if cell is formatted as Currency?). It explains how to do that for the $ symbol. But I couldn't replace the $ symbol with other currency symbols (for example Indian Rupee, Euro etc.) in Visual Basic Editor. To have other symbols in VBE I have tried the following:

  • Inserted the symbol in Excel using Insert->Symbol option.
  • Copy pasted the symbol in VBE.

But it is pasted as ? in VBE.

Please help me to have currency symbols in VBE. If the above is not possible please suggest a way to identify the currency type of a cell.

VBA editor is not Unicode.

In order to have Unicode characters in it, you need to use ChrW$, e.g.

Dim Rupee As String
Rupee = ChrW$(&h20A8&)

Also see Unicode string literals in VBA.