How would you compare jQuery objects?

So I'm trying to figure out how to compare two jQuery objects, to see if the parent element is the body of a page.

here's what I have:

if ( $(this).parent() === $('body') ) ...

I know this is wrong, but if anybody understands what I'm getting at, could they point me towards the correct way of doing this?

Solution 1:

You need to compare the raw DOM elements, e.g.:

if ($(this).parent().get(0) === $('body').get(0))


if ($(this).parent()[0] === $('body')[0])

Solution 2:

Why not:

if ($(this).parent().is("body")) {


Solution 3:

Looping is not required, testing the single first node is not required. Pretty much nothing is required other than ensuring they are the same length and share identical nodes. Here is a small code snippet. You may even want to convert this into a jquery plugin for your own uses.

jQuery(function($) {
  // Two separate jQuery references
  var divs = $("div");
  var divs2 = $("div");

  // They are equal
  if (divs.length == divs2.length && divs.length == divs.filter(divs2).length) {         

  // They are not
  } else {}