Where can I get leather?

There seems to be a global shortage of leather. I can use it on almost all my armor, but I can't find any.

What items contain leather?

Is there another way to get bulk leather?

Solution 1:

Lots of armor and clothing items can scrap down to leather. Harnesses and Athletic Clothing in particular are very common and scrap to leather.

Alternately, you can go out hunting and kill mole rats, rad stags and other animals. Their skins should provide a bounty of leather for all of your crafting needs.

Solution 2:

you can purchase "Shipment of Leather - 25" from Connie at Abernathy Farm(25% discount after minutemen quest), Greene at Graygarden(5% discount after minutemen quest), Lucas at Bunker Hill(has 2, void if you side with Cabot), Daniel at Finch Farm

here is a link to all known shipments and who sells them

Solution 3:

Scrap any of the following items for leather:

  • Baseball
  • Brahmin hide
  • deathclaw hand
  • molerat hide
  • baseball glove
  • teddy bear
  • deathclaw hide
  • radstag hide
  • Yao guai hide

Or search around for the right merchant and you can buy a shipment of 25 leather... for a price.

Source: Fallout 4 wiki