What are the repercussions of letting Skinny Malone live?

An insight from Mama Murphy told me that when the time came I could talk my way out of the confrontation with Skinny Malone.


This allows us all to walk free with no deaths. During my first playthrough I killed everybody in the room.

What are the repercussions of letting Skinny Malone live?

Solution 1:

I had Piper as my companion and she liked my choice to "end peacefully" during the dialog options. I'm assuming this is the only benefit to letting him live. Guess I don't get to loot their corpses though, but I'm sure anything good they have would just get replaced soon.

Solution 2:

There aren't, really.

Leaving Skinny alive has no impact on the story. Darla gets to live but that also has no impact on the story. If you spare Skinny you can find him in the wasteland later in the game south-west of the South Boston Military Checkpoint, where has some additional dialogue.

Solution 3:

You can get Darla to turn on him by inciting violence. Any outcome that doesn't involve bloodshed causes Skinny and Darla break up.