Get Spotlight to search in Caskroom subdirs (which is now in /usr/local/)

I'm using Homebrew with Caskroom and since a recent update, it installs the apps downloaded through brew cask within /usr/local/Caskroom/

I always used Spotlight to find and open these apps, but now that they're within /usr/local/, Spotlight doesn't seem to find them anymore.

I've checked Spotlight's preferences but there is no folder excluded, nor is there anything else disabled that could cause this.

Is there a way to tell Spotlight to search within /usr/local/Caskroom/?

Solution 1:

I found the answer provided by user vitorgalvao on the project's Github page:

Spotlight doesn’t index /usr/local/, that why we started using /opt in the first place. Reinstall your apps with --force and they’ll be moved (our new behaviour). Spotlight will see them then.