Image resizing client-side with JavaScript before upload to the server

I am looking for a way to resize an image client-side with JavaScript (really resize, not just change width and height).
I know it's possible to do it in Flash but I would like to avoid it if possible.

Is there any open source algorithm somewhere on the web?

Here's a gist which does this:

(an es6 version, and a .js version which can be included in a script tag)

You can use it as follows:

<input type="file" id="select">
<img id="preview">
document.getElementById('select').onchange = function(evt) {
    ImageTools.resize(this.files[0], {
        width: 320, // maximum width
        height: 240 // maximum height
    }, function(blob, didItResize) {
        // didItResize will be true if it managed to resize it, otherwise false (and will return the original file as 'blob')
        document.getElementById('preview').src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
        // you can also now upload this blob using an XHR.

It includes a bunch of support detection and polyfills to make sure it works on as many browsers as I could manage.

(it also ignores gif images - in case they're animated)

The answer to this is yes - in HTML 5 you can resize images client-side using the canvas element. You can also take the new data and send it to a server. See this tutorial:

If you were resizing before uploading I just found out this

It does all the magic for you in any imaginable method.

Unfortunately HTML5 resize only is supported with Mozilla browser, but you can redirect other browsers to Flash and Silverlight.

I just tried it and it worked with my android!

I was using in flash, it does the job very well, but the resize size is very small. (cannot remember the limit) and does not go back to html4 when flash is not available.